After months of preparation musically, logistically and spiritually, Sunday was the night of the live recording of our City Beautiful Church Worship Album.
Weekly Messages
After months of preparation musically, logistically and spiritually, Sunday was the night of the live recording of our City Beautiful Church Worship Album.
The power of asking, seeking and knocking. - Cole NeSmith
Judgment is the final statement that cuts off the hope God has for us. - David Westberry
Are you finding your identity in the things of the world or are you taking on a Heavenly perspective? - Cole NeSmith
Obedience leads us to revelation of the Father's heart, which leads us to trust Him more. - Ryan Adams
Jesus invites us to cross the line and love our enemies. - Ryan Adams
Don't let the thought of where God might take you cause you to miss out on where He has you. - Cole NeSmith
Viewing each other through the lens of Christ. - Ryan Admas
World Peace is possible and it begins with you. - Cole NeSmith
Jesus touches the material reality of our lives and invites us to transformation. - Ryan Adams
God blesses those who are in a position to receive and who naturally reflect His heart in the world. - Ryan Adams
The stories and accounts of the Bible aren't just things we hope for but examples of what we build upon. God wants to do more with you. - David Westberry
Influencing vs Creating
It doesn't matter what we say if it doesn't shape what we do. - Cole NeSmith
Our future resurrection robs death of its sting int he present. - Ryan Adams
The power of the resurrection lives inside of us. - Cole NeSmith
Jesus, as the Gardener, ushers in the New Creation of God. - Ryan Adams
Are you willing to accept Jesus as He truly is? - Ryan Adams