Gifts: Prophecy - Living in the Prophetic

Every word we say is important. The way we say it is important. The way words sound coming out of us is important. We can perceive kindness or gentleness simply based on the tone of someone's speech. Someone can bring peace, not just by the words they say, but the way they say them.

Gifts: Prophet - The Alarm and the Trumpet

One of the most important things in regards to prophecy is self-confidence that I am worthy of hearing God's voice. The more that I step out and practice it the more that I am going to see that become a reality in my life.

Gifts: Prophet - The Alarm and the Trumpet

Growth in a prophetic gift is found in willingness to step out and risk loving someone supernaturally the way God desires to love them. - Ryan Adams

Gifts: Apostles

The apostle reminds us of our ultimate objective - to fulfill the call that God has on the life of every believer which is to reconcile things back to himself; bringing the kingdom of heaven to earth and manifesting the realities of heaven where we are.

Gifts: Apostles

An apostle shifts the culture toward the realities of heaven and lifts others up to do the same. - Cole NeSmith

Gifts: More Human God's Way

When I'm pursuing health in my gift, I want to be the greatest reflection of who God is. If you want to see what the gifts look like in complete health, you look at Jesus.

Gifts: More Human God's Way

The Fruit of the Spirit is evidence of God's work in our lives, as we radiate His character, and becomes the lens through which we see our spiritual gifts. - Ryan Adams

Gifts: The Beauty of the Holy Trinity

The Spirit works within us to create the space  that  Christ may dwell  that transforms us from the inside out  - it becomes the lens through which we look at our spiritual gifts..

Gifts: Why Spiritual Gifts?

The spiritual gifts are a wonderful journey of a lifetime that are constantly changing, growing, shifting, and shaping inside of us.

Gifts: Why Spiritual Gifts?

Spiritual gifts are given to believers to serve others, to reveal the kingdom, and to build up the church. - Cole NeSmith


City Beautiful Church 2015 Vision Statement: Disciple and Commission each member of City Beautiful Church in their Spiritual Gifts to serve the church and the world as part of a culture of honor.

Day By Day

Allowing God to continually inhabit my life more in turn allows for me to inhabit my own life and to be more present - to have greater courage to be myself and to be faithful.

Day By Day

What we anticipate for ourselves this year should be an expression of and desire for greater intimacy with Father. - Ryan Adams

Abide: Do Good

To do good is to work out the reality of our holiness and the reality of who God is in our actions, stepping into the world, believing that we carry the spirit of God and that our actions testify to who He is, making God more known and pointing to the reality of Him.  

Abide: Do Good

What we do with our selves (mind, body, and spirit), is a working out of the internal revelation of intimacy with God, our identities as His "beloved," and His purpose for our lives. - Ryan Adams