To be "for" someone means you aren't actively trying to change them. You have accepted them and champion them in who they are. -Greg & Annie Singleton
Weekly Messages
To be "for" someone means you aren't actively trying to change them. You have accepted them and champion them in who they are. -Greg & Annie Singleton
Let’s awaken to the fullness of life by following Jesus into a new level of depth for ourselves and those around us. -Cole NeSmith
Jesus is the beginning and end of God's story. -Ryan Adams
Whenever you believe you have a measurement system for your relationship with God, you produce in yourself either entitlement or shame. -Steve Wimmer
Our primary vocation as human beings is to take care of God’s good Earth. -Ryan Adams
Let’s be people of peace who surrender to the ongoing transformation inside us so we can transform the world around us. -Cole NeSmith
Church is where we tell God’s story in such a way as it interprets who we are. -Ryan Adams
Let's embrace our power in a healthy way so we can begin to steward it for the good of others. - Cole NeSmith
Jesus is the standard that we were made to look like. -Lander Roark
We are called to pursue justice as a vital form of worship. -Ryan Adams and Logan Harris
A healthy church is measured by its special care for those whom Jesus loved. -Ryan Adams
Fear is the root of racism and prejudice, but life in God leads to the defeat of fear. -Cole NeSmith
Decisions are made in a moment. Stories are crafted over a lifetime. -Nathan Hatton
We are citizens of heaven, and Jesus is our King. -Ryan Adams
A forgiving community does not expect perfection but it does ask for and invite bravery. -Paul Alexander
Growing together as a family through the foundation of prayer, relational connectivity, and propelling one another into deeper hunger for the Lord.
God's story moves towards abundant life and increased compassion. -Ryan Adams
God is committed to the health, safety, peace and thriving of people, and belief is not a pre-requisite. -Cole NeSmith
We are to be a colony that beautifies the world. -Ryan Adams
God loves music. It moves his heart when his children sing and make music unto him. -Janae Schirle